Thursday, February 20, 2014

#LambWatch14 - Light At the End Of the Tunnel

The busiest time of the year on our farm is without a doubt lambing. This winter we have spent the last 45 days lambing in 300 ewes. Here's the thing. Our ewes live outside and since we live it the desert it gets really cold at night. Therefore me and the farmer take turns getting up in the middle of the night to make sure new lambs are cleaned off and warm. This also means that the farmer can't get all of the chores done by himself in a timely fashion so my schedule is a little bit crazy. I spend my mornings and evenings bottle feeding around 100 lambs that aren't weaned yet. My future sister in law does the same, so we are a pair of exhausted girls! 

We recently counted the ewes that haven't lambed yet and there are only around 60 left! About 20 of those are smaller framed yearlings and will probably end up open, which means they won't have lambs this year. Therefore, the long days and sleepless nights are nearing an end ad I have a new found respect for mothers of infants.

What is the winter like on your farm?

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